Did I save enough? Do I have enough?
Many of us sometimes think about these questions and these definitely come up in my discussions with clients. One of these questions has more to do with income and the other is more about expenses. Everyone’s situation is unique, and financial planning is not a precise science. We tried to come up with a fairly […]
Price has no value
“I bought this house/gold/stock at this price – what do you think?” Let’s look at this question, price in itself has no information. If we say cost of petrol is x, can we say whether is it high or low? Of course if you are a buyer, any price can be too high and if […]
Dad what do you do?
I made a resolution that I will write a blog about investing at least 3 times a month. Finding a topic to write about is often a challenge for me. I figured I could write about a conversation with my daughter a few days ago. I guess this counts as I was trying to explain […]
5 things from behavioural science that are working for me
I have been an avid reader of behavioural science (finance, economics, psychology etc.). Some of my favourite writers are Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Dan Gilbert, Jonah Lehrer, James Montier, Richard Thaler, Robert Schiller, William Bernstein, Geoff Colvin, Chip & Dan Heath. These books make great reading and could be of great help if one could […]