5 things about money that should be taught in school
I remember learning about the sum of the angles in a triangle, how to solve quadratic equations, calculus, principles of heat, types of soil, nomenclature of species etc. in my school. I hardly use any of it in my day to day life. Most of us spend our life times in the pursuit of health, […]
House – Buy or Wait
Our recent article House – Buy vs Rent received a very good response and one of the often asked questions was “when should one buy a house?”. In this article we will explore the decision to Buy now or Wait. Let’s look at a story of 2 friends who have very similar profiles – Harish […]
What should we ask the experts?
Suraj was having a major surgery and he was meeting with Dr Ajay, one of the most experienced and well regarded doctor, for a consultation. Suraj asked Dr Ajay about the chances of success in his case. Dr Ajay was very reassuring and told him that his chances were very good. Pavan was fighting a […]
Investing is not collecting – Patience is the key
Many treat the markets as a collection engine – i.e., they expect that the moment they invest the universe with contrive to make sure that their investment value will immediately appreciate and they will make a lot of money. They don’t feel they are investing but feel that they are putting money in the market […]
Q2 2015 Results
We are the end of the first quarter in financial year 2015-16, and we are happy to share the results of IndusWealth portfolio. Starting December 2014, NIFTY had negative returns for five months in a row. The volatility in the market has been significant. In the last 12 months returns from NIFTY have lost out […]